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Travel SEO: Some Important Things You Must Know

Do you have a travel website and your aim will be to rank higher on the search engines. But, the big question—how to do it? The answer is travel SEO. SEO is the process of highlighting the relevance and value of a certain search term, with a view to moving up the search engine rankings. travel SEO should be a high priority of every travel business looking to succeed online.

What is travel SEO?

In simple words, travel website seo is search engine optimization for travel websites. These sites include those for vacation planners, tourism agencies, travel blogs, and sites that promote cheap flights. The objective of tourism SEO is to rank your organization for travel search terms people are already using.

Types of travel SEO

There are four types of travel SEO as listed below:

  1. On-page SEO: On-page SEO is also referred to as onsite SEO. On-page SEO refers to the process of optimizing the content on your travel website. Some tips for onsite SEO for travel websites include optimizing metadata, researching the keywords, and performing internal linking.
  2. Off-page SEO: It is everything that doesn’t happen on your travel website. Some quality link-building tactics include competitor research, pitching articles, and helping reporters.
  3. Technical SEO: It highlights the actions performed to help search engines crawl your website and boost user experience (UX). With search engines and their algorithms becoming even more complex, this type of SEO is always evolving. The efforts to be addressed in technical SEO are website speed, mobile-friendliness, and site structure.
  4. Local SEO: It is a type of SEO that concentrates on a certain area rather than a national focus. It’s all about enhancing your online presence in your community and highlighting your products and services to local customers.

What are the four micro-moments in travel SEO according to Google?

The micro-moments indicate the key opportunities for your travel business to be discovered in the search engine results. At every moment, you need to have a travel SEO strategy that will guarantee visibility for the particular intention or requirements of your customer.

It includes the beginning of the process when an individual is actually seeking ideas and inspiration, through to the actual planning of the tour, making the booking/reservation, and finally doing more research. Now, let’s delve deeper into this aspect:

  • In the dreaming moments, you have started to think that you should visit somewhere to get rid of the boredom of life. Your search behavior will lead you to the general research process and the corresponding SEO for travel websites’ strategy is to create rich content that aligns with your dreams. A travel website needs to be found at this stage to move on to the next critical stages. During this phase, a long-tail SEO strategy can come in handy targeting highly specific phrases that depict an intention to buy into the website’s offerings.
  • In the planning moments, the visitors of a travel website are going to research the internet intensely. A visitor is likely to visit several websites in the planning phase. Being the owner of a travel website, you can assume that their expectation for instant gratification is rising.
  • The booking moment is all about user experience. Nowadays, visitors are comfortable making online reservations given that everything has to work correctly and in a fashion that they can trust. Your travel SEO strategy has to be focused on your brand in terms of disintermediation. In case you are a less well-known brand, then you have to ensure that all the variations of your spellings and brand name can be discovered. When it comes to long-tail searching, if the visitor is looking for something specific, then you have to be sure that you are going to rank well.
  • In the experiencing moments, when the guests are at your venue, your travel SEO strategy will be all about ensuring guests can find the exact information about the surrounding countryside, and activities to do and have a wonderful experience. The experiencing moment is all about sharing experiences and connecting with other individuals. It’s the perfect moment for the integration of your search visibility strategies and social media.

Why is travel SEO important?

Now, let’s have a look at the reasons why travel SEO is important:

  1. Generating more leads from search engines: The objective of SEO is to enable a website to appear higher on the SERPs. When a user searches for a particular travel phrase, the SEO-optimized websites appear first in the search results. It suggests it will result in more qualified leads for those websites. Get in touch with a digital marketing agency in Kolkata if you want to know more about this aspect.
  2. More cost-effective compared to PPC: Travel websites that don’t do SEO won’t appear at the top of the search results organically but they can still get website traffic from those searches through PPC and Google Adwords. Undoubtedly, Adwords is one of the best ways to gain highly targeted traffic to your website. However, in the long term, it isn’t cost-effective compared to SEO.
  3. Increased brand awareness: It’s not only in the travel industry where brand awareness is important. SEO isn’t confined to keywords, but it also uses images as well. SEO works in a fashion when a certain set of keywords are searched, the search results will include your organization as among the top search results. More people are likely to know about your business when it appears on the first page of SERPs. It’s the increase in brand awareness that eventually leads to an increase in revenue for your organization.
  4. Cheaper marketing method: Companies spend millions on advertising. Needless to say, advertising is important for every business as it raises brand awareness, and eventually, boosts the business’s revenue. According to the experts of a digital marketing agency in Kolkata, the implementation of SEO is all about the manipulation of keywords to ensure a business website appears on the top of search results when a keyword is searched. You don’t have to spend big bucks to do SEO. All that businesses need is an advertising company that provides tourism seo services, and it is cheaper when compared to media advertisements.
  5. Wider market reach: The benefit of digital marketing is that the market which is targeted is a worldwide market. The travel industry deals with numerous people who have cravings for traveling for various reasons, whether vacationing or business. With seo for travel companies websites in place, anyone in the world can access a business that has been keyword-optimized. This wider market reach leads to an increase in brand awareness and revenue collected by the organization. It’s the reason why travel agents these days prefer to conduct SEO to serve their purpose.

The global travel industry is emerging at a rapid pace. No wonder, why it’s one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors in the world. Nowadays, there has been a marked change in customer behavior when it comes to searching and booking travel arrangements. There has been an increase in non-branded searches also termed “category searches” that are exclusive opportunities for an SEO campaign. Whatever it is, SEO is important in the travel industry as it helps a travel business to be found. A tourism seo strategy must be channeled according to the journey of a customer from the dreaming stage to the experiencing phase.

Are you looking for an agency that will do SEO for your travel business? If you feel so, your search ends with Carney Technologies Services. Here, the professionals have tons of experience in travel website seo and digital marketing which make them perfect for the role. They are also aware of the latest trends in SEO and implement the same during their operations.

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