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A Comprehensive Local SEO Guide for Fencing Companies

A comprehensive data obtained from Google reveals that over 80% of consumers today use the search engines for local information. So, if you are one of those fence installation companies looking forward to be found by potential customers within the local area you serve, not trying out local SEO strategies may be a big mistake. Conducting local SEO allows your business to be listed on the best spot in the first page and boost your website traffic radically.

Here is a comprehensive local SEO guide for fencing companies to help you know how to attract more customers. With these tips, you can build a strong customer base and find out how to occupy the top spot in Google listings but before that you need to take a glance as to why fence installers must invest in local SEO.

Get the results faster

When you are operating worldwide, the improvements may show in Google ranking. However, when it comes to local ranking, you are not half as good because you will only face competition from companies present in the local area. Now, not all of these local competitors may invest in local SEO with the same fervor. That way, you can outsmart the key competitors and establish a strong online presence.

Establishing a strong online presence is essential

Gone are the days of yellow pages. Today, a majority of your prospects search for local business in Google. Therefore, not having a strong online presence would be the worst mistake.

Get rid of advertising expenses

There is no denying that advertising comes with huge expenses but when you rank in the Google, the steady stream of free traffic gets you more customers who are more likely to convert.

Local SEO for fence installers: things to know

Here are the local SEO tips for fence companies that work:

1. Identifying the keywords

First, you need to prepare a list of keywords that are related to the services of your company. For instance, you might choose keywords like “security fence”, “vinyl fencing”, “fence repair” or “home fencing”.  Next, you need to determine the kind of traffic that each keyword from the list will expectedly generate. Following this, you need to know which keywords to prioritize and to do this you need to divide them into two categories.

  • Research intent keywords demonstrate that your prospect would be interested in fences but looking around for options right now. It might be that the user may buy your services in the future.
  • Buying intent keywords are those that show that the buyer is on the verge of making the purchase. For instance, someone searching for “fence repair” may need services immediately to fix their fence.

Search for fence company SEO services to spot the keywords and prioritize them to aid local search.

2. Keyword optimization

You are ready with the set of right keywords that are relevant to your business and now it’s your turn to optimize them in Google My Business and the website. Getting listed in Google My Business introduces your fencing services to the potential customers easily compared to the website. However, you need to optimize the keywords for GMB as well as the website to ensure that your business appears in local searches. When it comes to website optimization, you need to target the homepage and the service page at first and later work on the content, FAQ, and the blog page.

3. Make your website mobile-friendly

With over 50% of traffic arriving from mobile devices like smartphones, you need to make your website adaptable for mobile phones. Mobile-friendliness is one of Google’s top ranking factors. So, prioritize having a responsive design in your website for the best outcome as far as local SEO for fencing companies is concerned.

4. Incorporating the targeted keywords in your business page

Once you locate the right keywords to aid local SEO, it’s your turn to include them in the website. When the search engine bots crawl the pages of your website, they rely on keywords to understand the actual context of your business. Ideally, you need to distribute the keywords evenly across the web pages to improve the chances of ranking.

 Apart from this, you need to insert them in the heading, in the body of the text, and in the Meta description. That way, Google can easily recognize what your business is all about and consolidates your chances of ranking. Keep in mind that you can go on adding relevant keywords within the pages but do not overdo as it leads to stuffing and affect your website’s ranking negatively.

5. Get people to write reviews

Reviews gives assurance to the search engine about the legitimacy of your business and make the prospects believe that your services are worth giving a try. To boost your ranking in Google, get reviews for GMB page. You can talk to everyone around who knows about your fence business to leave their reviews in the GMB profile. Similarly, you can ask your customers to send their reviews and just make sure to insert a link to your profile. If you can turn this to a regular practice, you can get a steam of reviews for your business.

6. Monitoring the results

Local SEO for fence installers remain incomplete without tracking the results of the campaign. With this, you can easily find out the areas that require improvement. Here are the metrics based on which you need to track the results:

  • Traffic

Rely on Google Analytics to measure your website’s traffic and the number of visitors you get. You can also find the overall traffic, the amount of traffic coming from Google, and which web pages of your website draw the majority of traffic. Track the reports each month and watch the long-term trends.

  • Rankings

When you conduct Google search, the search engine provides customized results based on the browsing behavior of the past. So, if you are keen to know what the actual ranking of the website is, use Google Search Console. It is a reliable place for beginners to view their rankings.

You are aware now that staying committed to a structured local SEO plan draws more customers to fence business. For a fencing company, local SEO can be revolutionary phenomenon when done by experts. At Carney Technologies Services, we conduct optimization for a wide range of industries. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors in the local search results, collaborate with us here  to maximize the outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is local SEO profitable for fence companies?

Yes it is. With local SEO strategies, you can connect local customers with your business that are actively searching for fencing installers and expect high profitability.

Local SEO strategies include optimization of Google MY Business listings, managing online reviews, and crafting local content with targeted keywords.

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