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SEO for Beginners

If you are reading this blog, you’ve likely heard of SEO, or search engine optimization. And in all probability, you are trying to get your grips on the ever-changing SEO environment.

As the second decade of 21st century is knocking on the doors, there has been a paradigm shift in the digital space and a lot needs to be analyzed to keep up with the latest trends.

The SEO landscape is a pillar portion of online marketing and digital sphere. It has seen dynamic changes in the last couple of years and failing to keep up with the latest trends can let you lose some valuable traffic.

If you are looking for the best SEO agency in Kolkata who can help get your website rank on the top searches of SERP, you need to understand the game changing pointers that are involved in strategizing.

As a beginner, the first thing to ask yourself is why should you care about SEO?

Well, to simply answer it, we all know how lots and lots of people search for things (even for the miniscule information). This high-intent traffic can be an extremely powerful resource for both big and small-midsized businesses.

Wiki defines Search engine optimization (SEO) as the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.

But it leaves you with some more specific queries-

  • How do you optimize the search engines?
  • How much time should you spend on SEO?
  • How do you adapt to “good” SEO from “bad” SEO?

The basics don’t change in 2020 and beyond

The good news is primary elements for SEO services have not changed. So, even for the SEO beginners in 2020, the following points should be their Bible:

Understanding why SEO is important

Organic search results are always more credible option to the savvy searchers. In fact, a recent report showed only 2.8% of the US people click on paid advertisements. This means, proper SEO can bring in 20X more traffic than the paid options such as PPC. Getting expert SEO services provider can snowball over time earning dividends in longer run.

White hat vs black hat SEO

White hat vs black hat SEO

Abiding by the white hat SEO techniques, your primary focus should be providing more value to people using the best practices and strategies. Black hat, on the other hand, is used to spam/fool search engines placing your websites under immense risk of being de-indexed by the search engines.

Following Google Webmaster Guidelines

The rule of thumb says the web pages must be made primarily for users and not search engines. Start your approach by would you have done this if the search engines didn’t exist? The experts of SEO Marketing India create websites that is primarily valuable, informative, unique, and engaging. This, by design, bunks the automatically generated content and avoid the hidden texts and links. Whether it is Google or Bing, the two major search engines, there is no alternative to providing engaging, clean and easy-to-find content.

  • Clear and relevant page titles
  • Don’t deceive your users
  • Maintain page speed for better user experience
  • Do not indulge in abusive link tactics
  • Duplicate content, Keyword stuffing or cloaking are big no-no

Local Business

Representing local business on Google by SEO beginners

Are you working on a business that operates locally? Learn how to include the service provider in Google My Business listing.

The basic guidelines:

  • It is mandatory to have a physical address before you include in Google My Business index
  • Include all the relevant aspects of the local business data accurately and honestly
  • Do not create ineligible Google My Business listings
  • Try avoiding PO boxes or virtual offices instead get a physical address

Give importance to user intent

The various tricks that help rank search engines often fail to cater to actual user intent. Whenever there is a search, the idea is to get a proper result. As an SEO expert is to help provide users with the relevant information according to the search. Remember the three basic intent types –

Informational, Navigational and Transactional

One of the top ways to evaluate your search results is to check what content your top-ranking competitors are providing that you are failing at. High-quality content is imperative for higher ranks in search results. The top SEO Services Kolkata always highlight on creating original and informative content that reflect in page ranking on SERP.

Know your website

Every site has its specific goals which when understood properly can help you determine which areas of SEO needs more highlight. Find out how to set benchmarks, where to start to track conversion and how to create talking points (focus on the Key Performance Indicators) to analyse the return on SEO investment.

Common KPIs

  • Downloads
  • Sales
  • Contact form submissions
  • Email signups
  • Phone calls

For websites with local component, the following KPIs are –

  • Clicks-to-call
  • Clicks-to-website
  • Clicks-for-driving-directions

Doing SEO in 2020?

  • Choose your niche
  • Create your website (WordPress may be?)
  • Do proper keyword research and content planning
  • Go deeper with keyword research
  • Channelize the social network
  • On-page and off-page optimization
  • Make the content commercial with social media sharing
  • Analyze the website’s performance
  • Plan improvements

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