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Why Video Marketing Skyrockets Your Business and Boosts Sales

Video marketing is all rage these days and quickly emerging as one of the most effective ways to reach the target audience. Brands are jumping into the bandwagon and maximizing the benefits of video content to improve revenue. Ever wondered why you should also incorporate video marketing as a prime strategy of your business? The basic reason is that videos have become the mainstay of social media platforms where people spend a majority of their time today. However, there is a volley of reasons why it is worth including videos in today’s digital age.

Read here to understand why a digital marketing company should use videos in marketing campaigns:

  1. Videos attract people

Have you noticed how people love to watch videos; they are going to stop to watch video content, whether in YouTube or other social media platforms. Research suggests that one-third of users’ activities online accounts for watching videos.  So, a chunk of their time goes for watching online videos. Wondering why are people crazy about videos? It may be that the variety and versatility of video content motivates them. Videos seem more authentic than plain text and appeal to audiences irrespective of age and engage them easily. That is why marketers consider this as a tactic more to allow visitors to engage with brands.

  1. Brand awareness

Customers prefer buying from brands they deeply trust. However, building trust does not come easy for any brand. The best trick is to merge your brand with the customer’s perspective at an early stage. A report reveals that around 90% of customers are inclined to choose those brands only that they follow on social media, so using videos is one of the most important strategies to push ahead brand awareness. The basic reason behind this is that human brain processes visuals much faster than text because the movement and sound seems more appealing than text.

So, when it comes to captivating the audience’s at a very fast pace, it is easier to connect with them at a personal level. Moreover, you can add your product or services to the video as well and make the users purchase-ready. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to know the right way of communicating with your customers. Once you know that, creating viral video content won’t be difficult at all.

  1. Boost conversions

The nature of videos ensures that your users are more likely to convert to customers. With video content, users engage faster than reading plain text. Research shows that video marketing is slated to increase conversions by over 80% and it has come to the notice of customers that the rates of video conversion is way up than content marketing. There are different types of videos you can create to engage users but those that showcase the functionality of product are the most watched.

  1. Video marketing offers great ROI

Videos generate good ROI and don’t worry about the costs involved. You only require some money to get started but the ROI generated is more than the cost. Brands that have already invested in video marketing are hopeful about the ROI that videos generate. Marketers depend on ROI when choosing strategies to boost sales and incorporating videos is one of the most prominent actions to take your brand to the forefront.

  1. Assists other marketing strategies

Video content synchronizes with the other marketing strategies you are trying to implement. For instance, of you are also focusing on showcasing your brand through blogs, you can try to convert them to videos to grab the attention of users and maximizing the reach.

  1. Engage your users

When your web pages have more videos, you can keep the users engaged for a long time. When users stay on your page for more time, here are the benefits you can reap:

Retaining customers

  • Videos boost the time for which users are going to stay on the page as they find it more interesting than skimming through chunks of plain text. The information presented through videos stays on the users’ mind for a longer time than absorbing information through text.
  • Statistics reveal that over 60% of viewers will expectedly watch the videos until the end.
  • The length of the video may also make a difference; short videos are watched more often but those extending up to four minutes are also picking steam than the audience base that craves for videos stretching up to two minutes.

Boost engagement rates

If you are keen to make more people aware about your brand and turn to customers eventually, try to create content that helps them in the long run. With videos, you can help people learn more through interactive content and make them interested about your offerings. Customers interact with videos more than they do with plain content. A two-minute video conveys information more interactively than a 10-minute long content. That way, users are likely to stay engaged and the right technique for brands to encourage people to become customers.

Increase SEO Rankings

Videos rev up SEO rankings; so when you include more videos in the web pages, the chances of ranking on the first page of Google shoots up quickly. No wonder a digital marketing agency insists on incorporating videos to make the search engine feel that your website is worthy of the ranking.

  1. Makes your brand more recognizable

Videos help your brand shoot to fame. Although visitors may not convert immediately but they will gradually as the information stays in their mind for a longer time. Contrary to this, visitors will hardly remember the information they have come through in articles or blogs. Furthermore, videos create a positive impact to make businesses and brands more recognizable. It is believed that brand recognition goes up drastically once your visitors watch the videos.

  1. You can share videos easily

Videos are excellent for promotion as they can be easily shared online and generate buzz around your business.

Video marketing is a prolific strategy to include in you marketing campaign. At Carney Technology Services, we create professional videos to rev up your brand to ensure that you get the most out of marketing budget. Navigate to  to ensure that you business reaps rewards through meaningful videos.


The ideal length of the videos depends on what you want to accomplish for your brand.

Videos are usually expensive, may have technical issues, time-consuming, make the audience lose interest due to short attention span, and not the right options for all your viewers, especially those who do not have access to technology.

Yes, videos are more engaging than still images and plain text. Naturally, brands find it more effective to connect with new and old customers equally well.

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